Untold story of Pamela B Green with films of Alice Guy Blache

Untold story of Pamela B Green with films of Alice Guy Blache
Alice Guy Film Festival 2019

samedi 31 janvier 2015

*Be natural ! ©riginal Scapbook by Madame Alice Guy Blache-"A mes petits fils Michel et Frank Peeters -Une Histoire un peu exagerée de leur grand' mère Alice Guy Blaché"

I put signs all around my studio that said BE NATURAL - that is all I wanted from my actors. - Alice Guy-Blaché

*Be natural ! ©riginal Scapbook by Madame Alice Guy Blache-"A mes petits fils Michel et Frank Peeters -Une Histoire un peu exagerée de leur grand' mère Alice Guy Blaché"

I put signs all around my studio that said BE NATURAL - that is all I wanted from my actors. - Alice Guy-Blaché

I put signs all around my studio that said BE NATURAL - that is all I wanted from my actors. - Alice Guy-Blaché